Sunday, March 2, 2008

The beginning

Blogging! Wow, that sounds exciting. This is my first time in blogging. Jennifer and Jacqi gave me 30 minutes on a Friday afternoon to create my own blog. What a challenge that was. Finding a name, in such short notice, was the hardest and I thought it's going to take me forever. Looking around me, I noticed a children's book on my table called "One little Penguin and his friends". A thought struck me, I'll call it penguinfriends!

For me I think, the Learning 2.0 is a new learning experience and a gateway to all the new emerging web technologies. These new terms can be mind-boggling, but I'm sure I'll be familiar with most of them, once I proceed with the program. My aim is to have fun while doing it and at the same time have an understanding of folksonomies, librarything, creativecommons, etc. etc. (to name a few).

Happy Blogging everyone!

1 comment:

Jemawi said...

It's not like we gave you a deadline - we just strongly encouraged you to get it done by Friday afternoon. And you did it!